python circle_与Python和Circle CI的持续集成
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python circle

In this tutorial, we'll review why Continuous Integration is indispensable to the development lifecycle of both solitary developers and teams and how we can immediately begin to reap its benefits.


Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice wherein developers regularly merge their code with a central repository after which automated builds and tests are run.


We'll be using for version control and as our CI server. It'll provide us with a reliable configurable environment for us to run our automated builds and tests.

我们将使用进行版本控制,并使用作为CI服务器。 它将为我们提供一个可靠的可配置环境,使我们可以运行我们的自动化构建和测试。

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Before we get our hands dirty with a demonstration, let's briefly discuss the principles of Continuous Integration.


维护一个源代码存储库 (Maintain a single source code repository)

Continuous Integration (CI) advocates the use of a version control system to track changes in code.

Everything needed for a fully functional application should be pushed to a single repository.



构建自动化 (Build automation)

It should be trivial to trigger a complete rendering of the project with a single command. This should include tasks like the creation and migration of databases and configuring project environment variables.

用单个命令触发项目的完整渲染应该很简单。 这应包括创建和迁移数据库以及配置项目环境变量之类的任务。

进行构建自测 (Make the build self testing)

The CI tool used should trigger a run of the project tests after the build is complete. Of course, this necessitates that comprehensive tests be written for any work to be integrated.

构建完成后,使用的CI工具应触发运行项目测试。 当然,这需要为要集成的任何工作编写全面的测试。

Before the code that triggered the build is merged with the main branch, all tests must be seen to pass.


频繁提交到主分支 (Make frequent commits to the main branch)

Making atomic and frequent commits encourages integration and makes conflicts between work from different developers easier to manage and resolve.


After a section of work has been built and passes tests on the CI server, it should be merged to the main branch after review.


每次提交都应触发CI服务器上的构建 (Every commit should trigger a build on the CI server)

This assures that each commit made has not broken the build. It also becomes trivial to pinpoint a commit that caused errors in the build.

这确保了每次提交都不会破坏构建。 查明导致构建错误的提交也很简单。

损坏的版本应立即修复 (Broken builds should be fixed immediately)

When it is discovered that a commit has caused a build on the CI server to fail, the commit should be analysed and the cause of the break resolved as soon as possible.


CI构建应在生产环境的副本中完成 (The CI build should be done in a replica of the production environment)

Running the build in an environment with little or no deviation from the production environment assures that running the same application in the actual production environment will not be fraught with unwelcome surprises.


CI构建的输出应可见 (The output of CI builds should be visible)

Build status should be made available to all relevant stakeholders. Circle CI can be configured to send email and web notifications after a build has completed.

建造状态应提供给所有相关的利益相关者。 可以将Circle CI配置为在构建完成后发送电子邮件和Web通知。

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The benefits of implementing Continuous Integration in your development cycle are several. Let's note down a few here.

在开发周期中实施持续集成的好处有很多。 让我们在这里记下一些。

  1. Since build output is extremely visible, when a build fails, we can find and resolve bugs quickly.

  2. Continuous Integration helps to enforce testing in our applications, since we rely on these tests to assess the success of our builds.

  3. Because the build is run in a production like environment, CI reduces the time it takes to validate the quality of software to be deployed.

  4. Since atomic commits are encouraged, CI allows us to reduce integration problems with existing code, enabling us to deliver better software faster.


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Now that I've bended your ear with praises for Continuous Integration, let's sober up a little.


It's evident how the benefits we discussed above would be extremely valuable for teams. Now, let's focus on how CI can enrich development for solo developers and whether the benefits outweigh the costs.

显然,我们上面讨论的收益对于团队来说将是极为宝贵的。 现在,让我们集中讨论CI如何为单独的开发人员丰富开发,以及收益是否超过成本。

All the advantages we mentioned above still apply to solo developers but if you're solo, you should think about the following before implementing CI.


  1. CI takes time: Depending on the complexity of your application's environment, it may require a lot of manpower to set up your CI environment in a way that mirrors your actual production environment. If your production environment changes, you'll need to reconfigure your CI environment too.

    CI需要时间:根据应用程序环境的复杂性,可能需要大量的人力来以与实际生产环境类似的方式设置CI环境。 如果您的生产环境发生变化,那么您还需要重新配置CI环境。
  2. Tests take time: Again, depending on the complexity of your application and the thoroughness of the tests running in the CI environment, your tests may take a while to run and confirm the health of the build. Since the build and tests should ideally run on every commit made, this could be an expensive operation. You may also need to spend valuable time optimising how your tests run. If you want to move fast and break things, this may be a little frustrating.

    测试需要时间:同样,取决于应用程序的复杂性和在CI环境中运行的测试的彻底性,测试可能需要一段时间才能运行并确认构建的运行状况。 由于理想情况下应在每次提交时都运行构建和测试,因此这可能是一项昂贵的操作。 您可能还需要花费宝贵的时间来优化测试的运行方式。 如果您想快速移动并弄碎东西,这可能会有些令人沮丧。
  3. CI is a way of life: Continous Integration begins and ends with the developer. It's a commitment not to be taken lightly. When you don't have a team that reminds you of the value of the process, it can be a lonely and tiring path to walk.

    CI是一种生活方式:持续集成始于开发人员,始于开发人员。 这是不可掉以轻心的承诺。 当您没有团队让您想起过程的价值时,这可能是一条孤独而累人的步行之路。
  4. CI can be a red herring: Developers implementing CI have to ensure that they are not lulled into a false sense of security by passing builds. This is even more important when you're working alone and without the benefit of other processes that could alert you to unseen problems. The build is only as good as the tests that run in it.

    CI可能会引起麻烦:实施CI的开发人员必须确保通过传递构建,不会陷入虚假的安全感。 当您独自工作并且没有其他可能使您警觉到未解决问题的流程的好处时,这一点尤为重要。 该版本仅与其中运行的测试一样好。

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Now that we've got a handle on what Continuous Integration is, let's see what it entails. We'll need accounts with the following services, so go ahead and register.

现在我们已经了解了什么是持续集成,让我们看看它的含义。 我们需要具有以下服务的帐户,因此请继续注册。

  1. : We'll use Github to host our git repository.

  2. : Registering on Circle CI with your Github account will make things easier in future. This has the advantage of adding CircleCI integration to your Github account.

    :使用您的Github帐户在Circle CI上注册将使以后的工作变得更加轻松。 这具有将CircleCI集成添加到您的Github帐户的优势。
  3. : Samsies here. Sign up with Coveralls using your Github account.

    :Samsies在这里。 使用您的Github帐户注册Coverovers。

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Before we start, you'll need to install a few applications globally.


  1. : I'll be using v3.5.2

  2. : A recommended installation to isolate our application environment.


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The following will be the scaffolding for our project, so go ahead and create these directories.


+-- python-ci    +-- src    |   +-- math.py    +-- test    |   +-- math-test.py    +-- requirements.txt

Next, copy and paste the following into the requirements.txt file at the root of the project.



Finally, create and activate the virtual environment for this project then run


pipinstall -r requirements.txt

This will install all the required dependencies for our project in your current virtual environment.


Let's create a simple class with a function that returns the sum of two numbers. Add this into your src/math.py file.

让我们创建一个具有返回两个数字之和的函数的简单类。 将此添加到您的src / math.py文件中。

class Math():    def addition(value1, value2):        if not isinstance(value1, int) and not isinstance(value2, int):            return 'Invalid input'        else:            return value1 + value2

Next, let's write a test to make sure our function is working as expected.


import unittestfrom src.math import Mathclass MathTest(unittest.TestCase):    def test_addition(self):        # Make test fail        self.assertEqual(Math.addition(3, 4), 8)

You'll notice that we've made an incorrect assertion in the test. Let's let it slide for now.

您会注意到,我们在测试中做出了错误的断言。 让我们暂时滑动一下。

Now, run the following in your shell to make sure the test fails.


nosetests tests/math-test.py

Expect similar results


F======================================================================FAIL: test_addition (math-test.MathTest)----------------------------------------------------------------------Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/Users/emabishi/Desktop/Projects/Personal/python-ci/tests/math-test.py", line 8, in test_addition    self.assertEqual(Math.addition(3, 4), 8)AssertionError: 7 != 8----------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 1 test in 0.001sFAILED (failures=1)

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Let's create a repository on Github that will hold our application.


Once you've signed up, create one. I'll be calling mine python-ci.

注册后,创建一个。 我将打电话给我的python-ci

Create New Github Repository

Next, it's time to initialise our local project directory as a git repository and add a reference to our github remote. At the root of your project, run the following commands:

接下来,是时候将本地项目目录初始化为git存储库,并添加对github远程服务器的引用。 在项目的根目录下,运行以下命令:

git init && git remote add origin 

A second option would be to clone the Github respository to our local machine. We can do this with a single command.

第二种选择是将Github存储库克隆到我们的本地计算机。 我们可以用一个命令来完成。

git clone 

Let's create a new branch called develop and check out to it with the command


git checkout -b develop

After this, we can add and commit our previous changes using


git add . && git commit -m "

Whew, we're done. I'd pat you on the back if I could. I promise you that the hardest part's over.

ew,我们完成了。 如果可以的话,我会拍你的背。 我向你保证,最困难的部分已经过去。

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is a service that helps us employ Continuous Integration by letting us build our application and run tests in a configurable environment.


It's also pretty handy because it can send us email and web notifications of the status of our current build. You can also integrate it with messaging services like for real time notifications.

它也很方便,因为它可以向我们发送有关当前构建状态的电子邮件和网络通知。 您还可以将其与等消息传递服务集成以进行实时通知。

We just created an account with Circle CI, so let's take full advantage of it. Log in to your Circle CI account using Github authentication.

我们刚刚使用Circle CI创建了一个帐户,因此让我们充分利用它。 使用Github身份验证登录到您的Circle CI帐户。

Once logged in, you'll be directed to your dashboard. Click on the fourth icon on the task bar on the left side of the screen. This is the projects tab and lists all your current Github repositories.

登录后,您将被定向到仪表板。 单击屏幕左侧任务栏上的第四个图标。 这是“项目”标签,其中列出了您当前的所有Github存储库。

You'll see a page like the one below.


Circle CI projects page

Click on the build project button next to the name of the repository you created before. Sit back, relax and watch what happens.

单击您之前创建的存储库名称旁边的构建项目按钮。 坐下来,放松一下,看看会发生什么。

Circle CI runs our build but eventually errors out. Helpfully, it provides us with an error message.

Circle CI运行我们的构建,但最终会出错。 有用的是,它为我们提供了一条错误消息。

No circle.yml

No tests

To configure settings for the build on Circle CI, we'll need to create a configuration file in the form of a file with a .yml extension. Let's create a file at the root of our project.

要配置Circle CI上的构建设置,我们需要以扩展名为.yml的文件的形式创建一个配置文件。 让我们在项目的根目录下创建一个文件。

touch circle.yml

Fill it with the following:


machine:  python:    version: 3.5.2dependencies:  override:    - pip install -r requirements.txttest:  override:    - nosetests tests/math-test.py

The machine section configures the virtual machine we're using. Here we're explicitly defining that the machine should run python version 3.5.2.

机器部分配置我们正在使用的虚拟机。 在这里,我们明确定义了机器应运行python版本3.5.2。

We use the dependencies section to install our application prerequisites and the test section to specify the command which will trigger our tests.


As you can see, it's exactly the command we used to run our tests locally.


As expected, with much pomp and circumstance, our tests have failed and failed loudly. We'll remedy this soon enough. Leave them in their imperfect state for now.

不出所料,在很多浮夸的情况下,我们的测试失败了,而且失败很大。 我们将尽快对此进行补救。 现在让它们保持不完美状态。

Failed Tests Circle CI

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To ascertain the extent to which the tests we've written cover our code, we'll use . We've already installed it so there's little we have to do now.

为了确定编写的测试覆盖代码的程度,我们将使用 。 我们已经安装了它,所以我们现在不需要做任何事情。

At the root of our project, run


coverage run src/*.py&& coverage report

Expect similar results


Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover----------------------------------------tests/math-test.py       5      3    40%

You can tweak Coverage.py reporting in all sorts of interesting ways. If you're interested, have a look . For our purposes, the default reporting will do for now.

您可以通过各种有趣的方式调整Coverage.py报告。 如果您有兴趣,请看看。 就我们的目的而言,默认报告现在将执行。

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The next service we're going to take advantage of is . Coveralls displays our test coverage for all to see, thus making efforts at Continuous Integration loud and visible.

我们要利用的下一个服务是 。 Coveralls将显示我们的测试范围,以供所有人查看,从而使“持续集成”的工作变得清晰可见。

Once you sign in, you'll be directed to your dashboard.


Coveralls Dashboard

Click on the second icon on the task bar on the left side of the screen. This is the add repo tab and lists all your Github repositories that are currently synced to Coveralls.

单击屏幕左侧任务栏上的第二个图标。 这是“添加存储库”选项卡,其中列出了当前已同步到Coveralls的所有Github存储库。

To refresh the list of repositories under your account, click on the Options menu on the right of the page linked to your Github account


Options Circle CI Refresh repositories

Next, search of the name of the repository we recently created. In this case, I'm looking for python-ci. Your repository name may be different. Click on the switch to turn it to its ON position.

接下来,搜索我们最近创建的存储库的名称。 在这种情况下,我正在寻找python-ci 。 您的存储库名称可能不同。 单击开关将其转到ON位置。

Coveralls Switch ON repository

Click the details button next to the name of the repository. You'll see something like this:

单击存储库名称旁边的详细信息按钮。 您会看到以下内容:

Coveralls set up

Take note of the repo token.


To register our CI build with the Coveralls service, we have to perform some configuration. Let's do this by setting our Coveralls repository token as an environment variable on Circle CI.

要使用Coveralls服务注册我们的CI版本,我们必须执行一些配置。 让我们通过将Coveralls存储库令牌设置为Circle CI上的环境变量来完成此操作。

Screenshot of gear icon on Circle CI build page

Click on the gear button on the top right of the Circle CI build page. Follow along by clicking the Environment Variables tab on the left of the page. Finally, click the Add variable button and add the token like this.

单击Circle CI构建页面右上方的齿轮按钮。 单击页面左侧的“环境变量”选项卡。 最后,单击“添加变量”按钮并添加令牌。

coveralls repo token page on Circle CI

Now, let's edit our circle.yml file to send coverage data to the Coveralls service after our tests run. Edit the circle.yml to look like this.

现在,让我们编辑circle.yml文件,以在测试运行后将覆盖率数据发送到Coveralls服务。 编辑circle.yml以使其看起来像这样。

machine:  python:    version: 3.5.2dependencies:  override:    - pip install -r requirements.txttest:  override:    - nosetests tests/math-test.py  post:    - coverage run src/*.py    - coverage report    - coveralls

Add and push the changes to your remote Github repository. The push will trigger another build on Circle CI.

添加更改并将其推送到您的远程Github存储库。 该推送将触发Circle CI的另一个构建。

If we go back to our Coveralls dashboard, we'll notice our dashboard now displays our test coverage percentage. We can even tell at a glance how our coverage has changed over time.

如果返回到“工作服”仪表板,我们会注意到我们的仪表板现在显示了我们的测试覆盖率。 我们甚至可以一目了然地了解我们的覆盖范围是如何随着时间变化的。

Sometimes it takes a while for the data to reflect, so give it a few minutes.


Coveralls graph of python ci repo

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Going even further, in the spirit of Continuous Integration, we can prevent pushes or merges to the main branch of a repository until all required checks pass. In our case, these checks will be our tests.

更进一步,本着持续集成的精神,我们可以阻止推送或合并到存储库的主分支,直到所有必需的检查都通过。 就我们而言,这些检查将是我们的测试。

We'll implement this using a helpful tool by Github called .

我们将使用Github的一个有用的工具“ 来实现这一点。

Let's navigate to the settings tab of the repository we created on Github. Under the settings tab, select the Branches menu.

让我们导航到我们在Github上创建的存储库的设置选项卡。 在设置标签下,选择“分支”菜单。

On the protected branches menu, choose to protect the master branch.


Protect master

From there, make the following selections and save your changes. You'll be prompted to enter your password to authorise the changes.

从此处进行以下选择并保存更改。 系统将提示您输入密码以授权更改。

Github save changes on branch status checks

Github branch protection options saved

To see the power of Github's Status Checks in action, let's make a Pull Request comparing the master branch of our repository with the develop branch.

要查看Github的状态检查功能的强大功能,让我们发出一个Pull Request,将我们存储库的master分支与developer分支进行比较。

As can be seen below, our tests failed on Circle CI. Therefore, because of the checks we put in place, merging to master is blocked.

如下所示,我们的测试在Circle CI上失败了。 因此,由于我们进行了检查,因此阻止了与master的合并。

Checks failing

Let's fix our tests, make a push to Github and watch our Pull Request for any changes.

让我们修复测试,推送到Github并观察我们的Pull Request是否有任何更改。

Wohoo! Green all the way. We can now merge our work to the master branch with assurances that all our Continuous Integration checks have passed.

哇! 一路绿色。 现在,我们可以确保将所有“持续集成”检查都通过了,从而将我们的工作合并到master分支中。

All checks passing

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We've demonstrated that employing a Continuous Integration strategy in software development leads to major benefits in the quality of our work and the rapidity at which we resolve issues and conflicts within our application code.


Even more of interest is that when paired with Continuous Deployment strategies, CI becomes an even more powerful and capable tool. We've not gone into leveraging Continuous Deployment in our workflow, but I trust that you'll look into the possibilities that its use opens up.

更加令人感兴趣的是,与持续部署策略配合使用时,CI成为功能更强大,功能更强大的工具。 我们尚未在工作流程中充分利用“持续部署”,但我相信您会研究使用它的可能性。

However, there's a lot more we can do with CI which we've not gone into here. If you're interested, I'm leaving some links to a few resources which I believe will prove extremely helpful.

但是,CI还可以做很多事情,而我们在这里还没有涉及。 如果您有兴趣,我会留下一些资源的链接,我认为这些资源将非常有用。

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If you'd like to read more about Continous Integration, here are a few places you can start with.


A few other 3rd party CI tools are:


This list is by no means exhaustive.


I'd love some feedback on this guide. If you have a moment, drop me a comment in the box below. Also, if you have any questions, don't be shy, let me know.

我希望对本指南有一些反馈。 如果您有时间,请在下面的框中给我评论。 另外,如果您有任何疑问,请不要害羞,让我知道。


python circle


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